
编辑: 大连环球雅思 | 有人参与 | 来自: 未知
  又到了11月份,11月份同学们,每年这个时候不是雅思口语题库变题的,那么什么是题库变更呢?广大烤鸭们一定听说过雅思口语变题会在每年 的1,5,9,11每年的四个季度进行40%~50%的题目变动。换句话说,就是会有一些新题出现。因此,广大的烤鸭们应如何应对这季的口语变题考试呢? 首先,新题中会有一部分来自以前的老题,就是所谓的旧题包装后变新题。其次,今年9月份变题以后出现的新题,在11月份还会继续以高频话题出现。我们的四 大基本话题,name,major/study,hometown,flats/houses是不会随着题库更新而变动的话题。以下是环球雅思对11月份 雅思口语考试预测。
  Have you ever changed your name before? Why or why not?
  Do you want to change your name in the future?
What kind of names are popular in your country?
  What would you like to do in the future?
  What is your job?/ What do you do?
Do you love your job? Do you want to change it in the future?
  What is the weather like in your hometown? Any changes on weather in recent years?
Could you tell me something about your hometown?
  Flats and Houses
  Are you living in a flat or a house?
  Which room do you love most in your flat/ house?
  If you could redecorate your room, what would you like to do?
  Do you want to move?
What would your dream house be like?
  1. Did you have lots of toys in your childhood?
  2. Do you keep lots of toys?
  3. Why do people love to keep toys?
4. Compare the toys which people had 10 years ago to the present that people now have. What are the differences between them?
  1. Do you love painting?
  2. Is it necessary for kids to learn painting?
  3. Are there any special techniques required for painting?
  4. What can people benefit from painting?
  5. Should schools offer some relevant courses?
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