
[考试预测] 2013年12月雅思口语预测
基本信息类 1. Weather/Sunny days 喜欢什么天气,家乡天气如何,近些年的变化 喜欢阳光灿烂天气吗,去过什么阳光灿烂地方,阳光的缺点。 2. Name 全名,中文名字含义,未来换否 3. Relat
[考试预测] 2013年12月雅思阅读预测
[考试预测] 2013年12月雅思听力预测
V10101S1 3个孩子的母亲打电话询问Children Play Zone 1-10填空题 Located at North Hill,oppsite the Toy Factory A lot of area for free parking Entrance is 4.45 per child Free entry including drink for adulits Facilities such as: C
[考试预测] 2013年11月雅思写作预测
雅思写作是不少烤鸭们头疼的一项,为此,大连环球雅思的写作老师特为同学们整理了2013年11月份雅思写作考试预测,希望能够对烤鸭们有所帮助。 大作文Task2 一、教育(托儿所) S
[考试预测] 2013年11月雅思口语预测
又到了11月份,11月份同学们,每年这个时候不是雅思口语题库变题的,那么什么是题库变更呢?广大烤鸭们一定听说过雅思口语变题会在每年 的1,5,9,11每年的四个季度进行40%~50%的
[考试预测] 2013年10月雅思口语预测
1. Someone you know who are very polite 2. A teenager / child your know 3. Which one do you prefer, radio programs or TV programs?A healthy lifestyle 4. A room in which you spend a lot of time 5. A game you played in your childhood 6. A per
[考试预测] 2013年10月雅思写作预测
University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
[考试预测] 2013年9月雅思写作预测
A类小作文 Line = C7T2 / C9T4 Map = C9T1 Diagram = C8T3 Table = C7T1 /C5T4 雅思小作文范文借鉴:说明信 should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You are studying at a university in England. Your passport was stolen two days
[考试预测] 2013年9月雅思口语预测
Part 1 Short Questions 1. Tell me where you live now, to live where you like the most? 2. ntroduce yourself, and tell me your name? 3. How about your hometown traffic conditions, what kind of means of transportation do you like the most?
[考试预测] 2013年8月雅思写作预测
A类小作文 Line = C7T2 / C9T4 Map = C9T1 Diagram = C8T3 Table = C7T1 /C5T4 G类小作文 咨询信 | 道歉信 大作文 The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no useful purpose, and can even b